Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Welcome Sister Julie Miskin!

We'd like to welcome Sister Miskin as our new Enrichment Specialist and thank Sister Jessica Jensen for a job well done!   

Sunday, January 14, 2018

e Cedar Draw Sisters News f
VOL. 1                                                                     January 2018

Happy Birthday to You!

4th -    Crista Anderson
8th -    Bridget Bame
           Kathleen Karel
11th -  Denise Wells
12th -  Cori Warwood
15th -  Cindy Pearce
20th -  Susan Eastwood
28th -  Terrie Lawley
29th -  Kasey Jo Haney
30th -  Sondra Hill
           Meghan Hughes
31st -  Misty Welch
           Ann Mecham
Did You Know…

The Relief Society is the oldest active and one of the largest women's organizations in the world? It was established in 1842.

Join the Cedar Draw Ward Choir! Contact Sister
Lorinda Hymas for details!

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

-Jeffrey R. Holland
New Visiting Teaching Guide for 2018

Rather than provide a specific message, each month the Ensign and lds.org will feature a different principle to help us minister more effectively to each other. As you pray and seek inspiration, you will know the spiritual message and service each sister needs. Refer to your January 2018 Ensign and/or lds.org for specifics!

“Keep in Touch with Her Anytime, Anywhere, Any Way.”

Stay Connected!

Join our Cedar Draw Sisters Facebook group or email us at cedardrawrs@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our mailing list! If you have news, photos, recipes, neat ideas, etc., post it on Fb or contact our RS communications specialist, Sister Bridget Bame.
Relief Society and Priesthood lessons will now be presented in a discussion style format and address topics from recent General Conference talks. Go to lds.org for more details or check out the article in your 2018 November Ensign! The new changes are fantastic!

Many of you have signed up on JUSTSERVE.ORG. If not, go on line or just add the app to your phone to become more aware of the service needs in our community.

We serve Him by serving each other!

Evening Relief Society
The 1st Thursday of each month. Join us for great food, folks & fun!


Contact them if you’d be willing to go out on visits or have them in your home for a spiritual message.  And don’t forget to sign up for missionary meals!

e CDRS f
e CDRS News f


01/07    Love Thy Neighbor 
01/14   Three Sisters (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
01/21    The Needs Before Us (Bonnie L. Oscarson)
01/28    Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath 

Lessons will be inspired by the ward council, ward relief society presidency and YOU!

Most Lessons will come from the 2017 October General Conference.  BRING YOUR NOVEMBER ENSIGN TO CLASS!  If you don’t have one, we’ll get one for you –and don’t forget your scriptures!

“A sister in this church has no other responsibility outside of her family that has the potential to do as much good as does visiting teaching.”
 –Julie Beck


There is a great need for food and other essential supplies in our community. Contact Sister Teri Peters, our RS humanitarian specialist for details.

“Remember that when you help another up a mountain, you are a little closer to the top yourself.”

- Thomas S. Monson

  Attend Often!

Encourage your youth to attend the temple. The First Presidency recently announced new opportunities for them to perform and participate in baptismal ordinances!


Do you have suggestions for Evening Relief Society activities?
Call Sister
Karlene Sheen!

Sister Spotlight

1.      I really love to read and craft.
2.    I have five wonderful children whose names begin with the letter J.
3.    I work with special needs kids at Filer Elementary School.
4.    I have a handsome little grandson and a grandbaby on the way!
  1. I love going on temple date nights with my husband.
Who am I?

Thomas S. Monson
1927 - 2018

e CDRS f

Friday, April 7, 2017

Red Cross Blood Drive

🦅 r For his Eagle Scout project Cade Ackerman is hosting a Red Cross Blood drive.
On Saturday, April 8. From 9 am - 2 pm. 
Please enter on the South side of the church.
We have sign up times available. Reply to this with your name and phone # and the time you would like. Or contact Jim Hughes.
Due to the hard winter many blood drives were canceled. There is a real need in our area for donations!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Join Us for Evening Relief Society.

Thursday, April 6th, Young Women's Room, 7pm.

We will be playing some fun get to know you games!!

Please bring: Two small items that describe something about you.

For one of the games we will be trying to guess who the items belong to. Both items will need to fit in one paper lunch sack. 
(If you received your sack on Sunday, bring it with those items inside.)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Pinewood Derby & Quilting

Tonight is the Filer Wards Pinewood Derby! It's at 6pm at the Stake Center. Standard procedure is to weigh in your car a little before it starts, so it you could be there a bit early, that'd be great! Good luck to our boys!

Quilting/Sewing/Socializing get together Thursday, March 23'rd at 10 AM. Due to a large number of people interested we will have our first meeting at the church so bring your kids, sewing machines or just bring yourself and come enjoy good company. Jenice Eccles and I will be doing a short and simple tutorial for the projects we are working on (I am including pics). Please feel free to bring whatever you want to work on though or again just come and socialize. I'm looking forward to getting to know more people in this awesome ward! Oh and there will be yummy food of course! Comment below and let me know if you will be able to make it so we can get a head count!   -Katherine Nelson